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The Lipke's Bunker
The Lipke's Bunker
Virtual Reality experience
VR experience for Žanis Lipke memorial in Riga - created by 4 media artists Ieva Vīksne, Lauris Taube, Kaspars Lēvalds and Līga Vēliņa.
Empathy as a tool to learn history and do not forget the importance of important historical events.
Virtual Reality experience
VR experience for Žanis Lipke memorial in Riga - created by 4 media artists Ieva Vīksne, Lauris Taube, Kaspars Lēvalds and Līga Vēliņa.
Empathy as a tool to learn history and do not forget the importance of important historical events.


The Lipke's Bunker
The Lipke's Bunker
Virtual Reality experience
VR experience for Žanis Lipke memorial in Riga - created by 4 media artists Ieva Vīksne, Lauris Taube, Kaspars Lēvalds and Līga Vēliņa.
Empathy as a tool to learn history and do not forget the importance of important historical events.
Virtual Reality experience
VR experience for Žanis Lipke memorial in Riga - created by 4 media artists Ieva Vīksne, Lauris Taube, Kaspars Lēvalds and Līga Vēliņa.
Empathy as a tool to learn history and do not forget the importance of important historical events.
2019 October - "On the road (Ceļā)" Liepaja Museum, Liepaja, Latvia
2019 September - October "Academia", Latvian Academy of Art's centenary exhibition, ARSENĀLS Exhibition Hall of the Latvian National Museum of Art , Riga
2019 August - September (currently) "Lost in code" media art exhibition by Milda Ziemane, Ieva Vīksne and Līga Vēliņa, RIXC Gallery, Riga, Latvia
2019 July: Media art exhibition "Deviation. Novirzoties no kursa", Kursa, Liepaja, Latvia
2018 September: Exposition "Art as a Research" curated by Maija Demitere, European Researchers’ Night, Mplab, Liepaja University, Latvia
2018 September: Exhibition "Virtual Identities",Open lab, Mplab, LU, Latvia, Liepaja
2018 August: VR Exhibition "Objects in the reflection are closer than it seems" curated by Ieva Viksne, RIXC Gallery, Riga
2018 June: Exhibition "Local anesthesia", K. Ukstina street 17/21 , Liepaja, Latvia
2017 April: Exhibition of Artists of Vidzeme, Latvia, Aluksne
2016 September/November: Aluksne Art's School, Et Tres Unum Es , Latvia, Aluksne
2016 April: Exhibition of Artists of Vidzeme region Sigulda Tower- Culture and Art Gallery , Latvia, Sigulda
2015 August : POETICALLY MAN DWELLS III – Photo Festival Latvia 2015, Viesite Culture Palace, Latvia, Viesite
2015 July/August: THE SENSE OF BLOOMING – Aluksne museum , Latvia, Aluksne
2015 April/May: I LOVE YOU SO – Exhibition of Artists of Vidzeme Region – Valmiera Museum of Regional History and Art , Latvia, Valmiera
2015 March: POETICALLY MAN DWELS II – Month of Photography 2015, Latvia, Talsi
2015 January: POETICALLY MAN DWELS – Restaurant “Austra”, Latvia, Riga
2013 January: DIENA PHOTOGRAPHY AWARD 2012 – Riga Art Space, Latvia, Riga
2019 DELFI CAMPUS AWARD - RIGA IFF GOES VR / 24h MAGNETIC LATVIA Hackathon - Team "The Livingroom"
(Winning team members: Līga Vēliņa, Ieva Vīksne, Kaspars Lēvalds, Lauris Taube)

VR Lipke's Bunker
Virtual Reality experience
2019 -2020
VR experience for Žanis Lipke memorial in Riga - created by 4 media artists Ieva Vīksne, Lauris Taube, Kaspars Lēvalds and Līga Vēliņa.
Following up on the RIGA IFF goes VR hackathon in September 2019, Žanis Lipkes memorial continued working together with the Delfi Campus winning team (Ieva Vīksne, Līga Vēliņa, Kaspars Lēvalds, Lauris Taube) on developing the Lipke Bunker VR prototype





Lipke's Bunker. A VR Documentary.
2nd iteration
Virtual Reality experience, illustrations, 3D
2nd iteration of VR experience for Žanis Lipke memorial in Riga . Collaborating with agency FALLON Worldwide and a creative technologist and interdisciplinary artist, Cory McLeod, media artist Ieva Viksne.
Virtual reality technology is one of the most successful technological tools to engage younger audiences in the learning process.
Using different artistic methods than in the previous iteration. For example, the three- dimensional environment is combined with hand drawn illustrations


3D animation and Augmented Reality
App for SEMINA FUTURI project
3D - Liga Velina
Concept - Linda Boļšakova
Sound - Alican Camci
Web - Krists Kondrāts

Graphic Design for exhibition
DAIRY DIARIES by Anna Priedola
3D and Graphic Design - Liga Velina
Concept - Anna Priedola
Scenography - -8





NORK Magazine Planner
Graphic Design, 2019 - Līga Vēliņa
Concept: Agnese Zīle
"This paperback edition is in English and comes in a convenient size. Each opening is complemented either with artworks by Latvian photographer Iveta Vaivode–Gabaliņa or Brazilian–born Norway–based artist Bianca Hisse. In the photo series «Polar» Iveta Vaivode–Gabaliņa explores and depicts time and its perception while living above the polar circle in the darkest season of the year. At the end of the planner, the user will find enough space for personal notes."
/FOLD magazine/
Read about this project here:
FOLD MAGAZINE. "Not a day without Planner"



1/1 design
Web design: Līga Vēliņa, Kaspars Jaudzems


Art Extends Life
Visual Identity, 3D art, 2020
3D illustration, graphic design for exhibition "Art Extends Life" in Liepaja and Rīga Latvia
Exhibition is part of project "PROJEKTS DIVI 9" - multi media show "This love is not for sale" ("Šī mīlestība nepārdodas").





Concept: Ieva Vīksne
Design: Līga Vēliņa
App prototype
2ND PLACE in Women in Tech 1st Hackathon in Riga (Winning Team members: Līga Vēliņa, Ieva Vīksne, Elizabete Dikmane)


Ink Sprint through the Labyrinth 2011 - 16
illustrations for my father's Ojars Velins' Lyric book “Ink Sprint Through the Labyrinth”.

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