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The Lipke's Bunker
The Lipke's Bunker
Virtual Reality experience
VR experience for Žanis Lipke memorial in Riga - created by 4 media artists Ieva Vīksne, Lauris Taube, Kaspars Lēvalds and Līga Vēliņa.
Empathy as a tool to learn history and do not forget the importance of important historical events.
Virtual Reality experience
VR experience for Žanis Lipke memorial in Riga - created by 4 media artists Ieva Vīksne, Lauris Taube, Kaspars Lēvalds and Līga Vēliņa.
Empathy as a tool to learn history and do not forget the importance of important historical events.


The Lipke's Bunker
The Lipke's Bunker
Virtual Reality experience
VR experience for Žanis Lipke memorial in Riga - created by 4 media artists Ieva Vīksne, Lauris Taube, Kaspars Lēvalds and Līga Vēliņa.
Empathy as a tool to learn history and do not forget the importance of important historical events.
Virtual Reality experience
VR experience for Žanis Lipke memorial in Riga - created by 4 media artists Ieva Vīksne, Lauris Taube, Kaspars Lēvalds and Līga Vēliņa.
Empathy as a tool to learn history and do not forget the importance of important historical events.
2019 October - "On the road (Ceļā)" Liepaja Museum, Liepaja, Latvia
2019 September - October "Academia", Latvian Academy of Art's centenary exhibition, ARSENĀLS Exhibition Hall of the Latvian National Museum of Art , Riga
2019 August - September (currently) "Lost in code" media art exhibition by Milda Ziemane, Ieva Vīksne and Līga Vēliņa, RIXC Gallery, Riga, Latvia
2019 July: Media art exhibition "Deviation. Novirzoties no kursa", Kursa, Liepaja, Latvia
2018 September: Exposition "Art as a Research" curated by Maija Demitere, European Researchers’ Night, Mplab, Liepaja University, Latvia
2018 September: Exhibition "Virtual Identities",Open lab, Mplab, LU, Latvia, Liepaja
2018 August: VR Exhibition "Objects in the reflection are closer than it seems" curated by Ieva Viksne, RIXC Gallery, Riga
2018 June: Exhibition "Local anesthesia", K. Ukstina street 17/21 , Liepaja, Latvia
2017 April: Exhibition of Artists of Vidzeme, Latvia, Aluksne
2016 September/November: Aluksne Art's School, Et Tres Unum Es , Latvia, Aluksne
2016 April: Exhibition of Artists of Vidzeme region Sigulda Tower- Culture and Art Gallery , Latvia, Sigulda
2015 August : POETICALLY MAN DWELLS III – Photo Festival Latvia 2015, Viesite Culture Palace, Latvia, Viesite
2015 July/August: THE SENSE OF BLOOMING – Aluksne museum , Latvia, Aluksne
2015 April/May: I LOVE YOU SO – Exhibition of Artists of Vidzeme Region – Valmiera Museum of Regional History and Art , Latvia, Valmiera
2015 March: POETICALLY MAN DWELS II – Month of Photography 2015, Latvia, Talsi
2015 January: POETICALLY MAN DWELS – Restaurant “Austra”, Latvia, Riga
2013 January: DIENA PHOTOGRAPHY AWARD 2012 – Riga Art Space, Latvia, Riga
2019 DELFI CAMPUS AWARD - RIGA IFF GOES VR / 24h MAGNETIC LATVIA Hackathon - Team "The Livingroom"
(Winning team members: Līga Vēliņa, Ieva Vīksne, Kaspars Lēvalds, Lauris Taube)

Virtual reality, AI, 3D, print 1 x 1 m, 2023
Since the dawn of the industrial revolution – at the end of the 19th century, and especially at the beginning of the 20th century with its rapid technological progress, people have thought about the possibility of artificial intelligence, and interpreted it many ways in the form of science fiction writings. Most of it was portrayed from a negative point of view, as something that deprives humanity of control, or even destroys, or enslaves it. Finally, at the beginning of century, the time has come, when artificial intelligence is present in our everyday lives. A new cultural paradigm shift, the automation of image creation and other human-replacing tools is currently underway. In everyday life we come across artificial intelligence tools: starting with chat-bots, AI assistants on various websites – to AI tools with which we can operate with text, code, generate artistic images, transform sound, or train AI with our voice. As we once interpreted artificial intelligence, now its interpreting us – humans.
In search of new ways and means of expression, the artist has tried to give the images generated by generative Ai a shape and volume, by transforming them into three-dimensional objects. Artist is giving space and displaying AI content in 3 dimensions in virtual reality to enhance sense of presence.

Augmented Reality

Silver Gelatin print/ Virtual Reality/ Audio recordings
“A Place That Exists and Doesn’t Exist Simultaneously” is a multimedia exhibition that addresses the theme of memory by combining traditional analog photography with the latest technologies. Looking at the fragmentary and fragility of memories, inspiration is found in Marcel Proust’s series of seven novels “In Search of Lost Time” – in which he reproduces memories as a process in which the present and the past intertwine in an inextricable, unified journey. The experience of memories is a complex, subjective state that reflects the meanings assigned by the narrator to places, things and events. The described places in a specific form, evoking specific feelings, exist only in the narrator’s memories, therefore they exist and do not exist at the same time.
The exhibition was created during the Sansusī Wellbeing Residency in August and September 2022, where the artists collected testimonies and memories through field research, creative workshops and conversations with local seniors at the Aknīste Health and Social Care Center, as well as visiting collector Valdis Kalnietis and photographer Jānis Kurklietis. By collecting the material obtained in the residence, a series of photographs and prints were created, as well as a three-dimensional, associative environment in virtual reality, which is based on memory reconstructions and testimonies – a single intermediate space for memories and a set of imaginary worlds, which can exist in a specific form if all involved participants participate.
Participants: Jānis Kurklietis, Valdis Kalnietis, Andris Kovaļevskis, Jeļena Vinokurova, Ženija Vocevkovska, Ilga Stradiņa, Karmena Fjodorova, Aigars Timnis, Agris Priede, Igors Ansovičš, Jānis Ādminis, Jānis Poplavskis, Tamāra Tretjaka.

Silver Gelatin print/ Virtual Reality/ 360 video
How can we view and evaluate digital forms in the context of new materialities, their material, and materiality? And, how can we evaluate the layers of the matter?
Is it a material that is dubbed as an illusion of materiality?
Or is it a source of coded materiality as part of its form?
Or is it a technique that serves to display an artwork?
Rendering takes one and half minutes per frame. This environment has one thousand three hundred frames. It takes 20 hours to render this scene. Time. Time and its materiality.
What is the relationship between matter and materiality in the digital world?
Does the sound impacts our perception of materiality in digital world? Does it helps to feel and imagine material?
What is the material?
What is materiality?
What is the matter?
Photos: Depctions of an artwork "Digital materialities" and photos from exhibition "RETROSPEKTROPIJA" in Liepaja museum, Liepaja. Photos by Karlis Volkovskis

Maija Demitere, Eva-Maria Lopez, Liga Velina
PAPER TREES, 2021 - 2023
Data visualizations / Augmented Reality
Concept: Maija Demitere, Eva Maria Lopez
3D: Liga Velina
"Liepaja University uses approx 56 trees per year in office paper. Office paper is a huge part of our daily lives, there's very little we can do, reduce or save without making major changes in our thinking and in the way we communicate. We, as a collective of admins, researchers and educators, are not ready for it.
This is not meant to comment or criticize. This is only an illustration."

Augmented reality installation
AR installation made in collaboration with Eva-Maria Lopez, Maija Demitere , TEAM, and with technical support by Patrick Borgeat.
"PAPER TREES can be seen in the market square in Karlsruhe (DE). To view the work using augmented reality, download the PAPER TREES app on your mobile phone or tablet.
The augmented-reality installation PAPER TREES displays the relationship between nature and paper. Trees – an important element within biodiversity, is compared in relation to the use of paper. There for the artwork visualizes the connection between local paper consumption and the global climate.
PAPER TREES are a part of the City of Karlsruhe's “Media Art is Here” festival, and can be viewed until September 17, 2023, on the market square in Karlsruhe.
PAPER TREES is funded by UNESCO City of Media Arts Karlsruhe 2022." /Aste.Gallery
Photos: Monika Müller-Gmelin
ON DISPLAY in the market square in Karlsruhe (DE) till September17

Mental Purity
3D Data visualizations / Virtual Reality
"Mental purity" is a project created by two media artists - Ieva Vīksne (LV) and Līga Vēliņa (LV). Each artist has created her own mental data representation in a 3D environment. By exploring different methods of mental hygiene and wellbeing technologies, artists have created a visual representation that lets explore the progress of these practices and daily data measurements. Artists invite the audience to wander into a sculptural garden of data in VR environment.
Group show "Art Extends Lives ", Virtual media art, 2021 March exhibition,
Group show "Art Extends Lives", media art exhibition, Piltenes street - 5, Liepāja, 2020 December
Group Show - Planting a resort for Mental Ecology, Digital exhibition, ARSELECTRONICA / MPLAB (Linz, Austria), 2020 September

Borderlines I,II 2019
3D Data visualizations / diptych / processing
Collaboration with programmer Ingus Štāls.
Project "Borderlines is research about data visualizations in the context of the art and visual culture, using population data as a base to create an artwork (diptych) contrasting global (world population) and local (Latvia population) data. One of the aims of the research is to represent the data impact on geographical borders and reflect large and dynamic people movement in time and space.
Group show, Lost in Code, RIXC Gallery, Riga 02.08. - 21.09.19
Group show, Ceļā, Liepaja museum, Liepaja 04.10. - 04.11.19
Groupshow, Academia, the ARSENĀLS Exhibition Hall of the Latvian National Museum of Art 20.09. - 17.11.19
The artwork is included in RIXC Center for New Media Culture Artbase / Digital Archive

Data selfportrait 2019
Video / Screen-recording / processing
24 sec = 24 hours. Author used analogue data collected on herself: what time does she wakes up, when she goes to sleep, how often she calls her mum , dad and brother, how many meals she eat per day, etc.
Jurgis Peters, Liga Velina
Projection at Annual Carneval at Art Academy of Latvia
Live installation / motion sensor
Theme: Distopa/ Utopia
Still life 2018
Virtual Reality
Surreal and virtual environment in which the user is exposed to a new experience by moving and discovering symbols and objects that reflect artefacts and pieces of the author's unconsciousness. The work is based on the abstract surrealism aesthetics, in which the characteristics are achieved through the means of cubism and abstraction.
The artwork is included in RIXC Center for New Media Culture Artbase / Digital Archive

Objects in the reflection are closer
than they appear, Groupshow
RIXC Gallery, Riga
23.08. -.09.18 More


Tiresome verses
Video portrait of the imaginary, anonymous author of the depressive poem.
entrée, 2018
Video - portrait. Self representation.
“entrée” [Balet term, french [introduction]] is an interpretation of the beautiful film “Pas de Deux” (1968) by Norman McLaren. In ballet, a pas de deux ( French:"step of two") is a dance duet in which two dancers, typically a male and a female, perform ballet steps together. “entrée” (French: "introduction") is a woman’s metaphoric video portrait - self - representation, as a two-channel video installation.
Artwork is included in The NOASS Latvian Video Art Archive


Metamorphosis 2018
Video. 00:02:00
6 video portraits of current companions. metamorphosis as transformation and interaction between portraits of characters.
Artwork is included in The NOASS Latvian Video Art Archive


Dialogue in a Soviet space
2015 - 2016
Mixed technique / linocut/ digital prints
Poetic view at my grandparen'ts relationship in Soviet times in Latvia.
The modern man usually associates Soviet times with a circus show, where living people are actors in political and social setting tangle. But for people who lived those times, it was a reality. We see the difference in a rhythm of life and life sense if we compare our self with generation who lived during this mentioned historical period. So what was thinking „Soviet man”? What he was talking about? What was his attitude and opinion towards existing political power? My grandparents self-created representations and historical materials gave me a chance to understand how they both like a Latvian people were affected in their ideology and sense of freedom.
Main part of this project is based on my grandparents letter' archive which was written from 1956 to 1963. These years in a Soviet Union is historically called Khrushchev period.
Letters' archive was 7 year long conversation day after day, and it became like a self-created private world of two young lovers (15 and 17) which helped them to survive in an airless soviet space.
The main objective of this project is to supplement our national identity as a post soviet society threw away it’s own historical materials and to discover Soviet times historical period with its own specific atmosphere and sense.
Visual interpretations are based on citations from grandparents letters archive which are chosen by author depending of my subjective vision. Works are created combining digital prints with different kind of graphic techniques (lino-cut, mixed graphics techniques )

Nude 2011

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